Middle East

The Mosaic Mural at Temple Beth Israel

The Mosaic Mural at Temple Beth Israel

My father was a Holocaust survivor. Whilst he did not talk about that time it was a pervasive influence on my upbringing. On his left hand were two large blue letters tattooed K L, which meant in German Concentration Lager or an inmate of the Nazi death camp.

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7 October Massacre—Another Kristallnacht?

7 October Massacre—Another Kristallnacht?

On the last day of Succot – Simchat Torah – the nation of Israel woke up to the worst mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.  What happened that day is indelibly etched on the Israeli psyche and will be for generations to come. 

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Israel at 75 – A Reflection On Sacrifice

Israel at 75 – A Reflection On Sacrifice

Australian visitors returning from Israel often remark on the energy and vibrancy they experienced during their stay. In our conversations, they share a common impression of their Israeli experience with me

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Join us in defending Israel! 

Join us in defending Israel! 

The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation (thinc.) is a global network of international law academics, practitioners and experts in related disciplines (history, religion etc.).  thinc. was founded in 2017 in The Hague, with the assistance of Christians...

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True Australian History Continuing To Be Made In Israel

True Australian History Continuing To Be Made In Israel

“All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you.” – Psalm 22:27 Going back to where it started! That was the strong feeling of the Indigenous members of ‘Avad Oz’, ICEJ Australia’s worship...

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