Stan Goodenough

Stan Goodenough: is a South African gentile who has lived in Jerusalem for a quarter of a century. A Christian journalist, writer and tour guide, he believes passionately that Australia is being offered a unique opportunity to lead the way in supporting Israel’s God given and legitimate right to extend sovereignty over its restored land.

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My Bible Has No Old Testament

My Bible Has No Old Testament

If they still burned people at the stake, I’d be in trouble. I have ripped the page that separates Malachi and Matthew from my Bible, and have deleted the title “Old Testament” from everywhere in the Book.

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Jerusalem on Fire

Jerusalem on Fire

What we see happening on the ground across the “West Bank” is cause for real alarm that should galvanise us, pro-Israel Christians, into strongly

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Unstoppable: The Creation of Palestine

Unstoppable: The Creation of Palestine

Surrogate Europe is in labour. The baby will be named Palestine. The due date: 2030 On September 20, 2021, an article was published that should stop us in our tracks—and spur into action—every Christian who understands that there is a fight raging to reverse the...

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