Mandy Worby

Mandy Worby is an experienced Israel Tour leader and also the popular radio host of ‘Daytime’ featured on Australia’s national Vision Christian Radio network Monday to Friday 12am-3pm AEST.

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The Will Of God Part 4: ‘Sovereign Will’

The Will Of God Part 4: ‘Sovereign Will’

God’s ‘sovereign’ will which is by far the most complex and difficult to understand. God’s sovereign will remains a mystery to me even as I totally accept it as true because the Word of God declares it to be true.

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The Will Of God Part 3: ‘Permissive Will’

The Will Of God Part 3: ‘Permissive Will’

In the last couple of articles we covered the subject of God’s will which for many believers is complex and hard to understand. We hear all that time that God has a plan for our lives and that this plan is His will for us, but what does that mean?  Well, the will...

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God Has a Foreign Policy Too

God Has a Foreign Policy Too

President Donald Trump is one of the most polarising people on planet earth… What I’m about to suggest is likely going to garner strong agreement or vehement opposition, because it’s in the context of President Trump, but I want to stress that I’m neither endorsing or decrying him. I’m simply putting voice to something that appears to be more and more obvious to me as time goes on.

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