Dr Baruch Korman

Dr. Baruch Korman is the senior lecturer at the Zera Avraham Institute based in Israel. The purpose of www.lovelsrael.org is to provide Biblically-based teachings with an emphasis on the Jewish context of Scripture. Dr. Baruch’s Bible Study program broadcasts on numerous television networks across the United States, Europe, Africa, and Australia. Many of his lectures are available in video, audio and written format on www.lovelsrael.org You can view his expository bible-teaching program on the Daystar Network and GodTV. Dr. Baruch holds a PhD in Jewish Studies.

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The Seven Messages of the Messiah to the Seven Churches

The Seven Messages of the Messiah to the Seven Churches

All around the world there are changes taking place. The vast majority of these changes are not good. This evil is actually preparing the world for an empire that will rule over all the nations. This one world government will eventually be ruled by the antichrist.

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